Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yikes! It's been over two years since I've posted. I'd like to be able to tell you that in that period of time I have quit smoking, exercise daily and have reached my ideal weight. None of these is true -- not today.

It's time to re-commit to getting healthier one day at a time -- not just the blog here, but the real thing -- my health and maybe yours, too, if you come along for the ride.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 11: Happy Easter

Day 11: Happy Easter! I know it's easy enough to lose sight of goals on special occasions, so I'm reminding myself of my goals before the celebrations get started in earnest today.

I'm going to enjoy a least a taste of everything, but will fill most of my plate with fruits and veggies. Fresh pineapple, cucumber, radishes and broccoli are my choices today.

Had a great workout yesterday and met my goal of five servings of the fruits and vegetables.

Note to self: Roasted eggplant is tasty when sliced thinly and brushed with olive oil, then placed on cookie sheet and baked at 350 degrees until browned.

A new, mini-goal is to begin trying fruits and vegetables I've never eaten and/or to find new and different ways to enjoy old favorites. Changing things up avoids the tedium of the same old thing over and over, which for me leads to unhealthier choices.

Until next time, indulge but don't over-indulge. And save a peep for me.  : )

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 9 One Week Down, One Mile Completed

Day 9: I missed celebrating my first full week of my journey to get healthier one day at a time here, but it didn't go unnoticed, at least by me. Seven days AND I made it a full mile on my 4-mile walking video. Yeah me!

Yes, maybe getting excited over a mere 7 day stretch -- correction, today makes it an 8-day stretch -- is a little over the top. I didn't buy champagne or bake a cake, but did give myself kudos for sticking with my plan.

Patting yourself on the back for accomplishments big and small is a healthy thing to do. You're acknowledging meeting a goal, even if it was just getting the darned ironing done today, and you're acknowledging that your own opinion is important to you -- as it should be.

It's great when the people important to us notice our efforts, but it is even more vital that your own opinion counts to you. There are lots of small things that are probably important to you that no one else would know. When you've jumped those hurdles, an inner feeling of victory isn't selfish or self-serving.

Here's some information you might find interesting:

Fiftysomething Diet: 5 Powerful Weight-Loss Boosters

Are any of these things in your menu now? Are you thinking about adding any of them, and if so, which ones?

Until the next time, C'mon spring!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 7 On the Way to Establishing Habits

Day 7: I don't know if anyone else sees a change in me, but I do when I look in the mirror. No, I'm not talking about weight loss. There is nothing to see there quite yet.

What I see when I look in the mirror is a woman with some fire in her eyes and a smile that seems wider than it has in quite some time. When I walk, I feel like I have more pep in my step. I don't know that any of these things are true or if it's just that my perception is changing. Either way is just fine by me. First and foremost, I have to like the person that I am, from the inside to the outside.

At this point, I am not weighing myself or taking body measurements. I know that sounds a little goofy, but while weight loss is certainly an aim of my changing habits, the real goal is to become a healthier me.

I'll know from the fit of my clothes, to the distance I can walk without becoming winded, by the increased overall energy I have for life that I am making headway toward becoming healthier.

I don't want to obsess over numbers, unless we're talking about numbers like blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. These are numbers that help to measure my healthiness.

Might I change my mind sometime in the future and begin to court the scales and measuring tape? I might, but for now I am keeping my focus on the bigger picture.

Have you found that weighing yourself or taking your measurements are motivating factors in weight loss? In becoming healthier? I'd like to learn what has worked for you.

Until next time, take care, please.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 6 Feelings the Effects of Exercise

Day 6: I almost made it to 1 mile on the 4-mile walking video today! I still haven't gotten around to getting the prequel to this Leslie Sansone video, and this one is intense. But maybe that's a good thing.

Let me tell you those knee lifts have my lower abdomen and lower back muscles a bit sore this evening, but I've going to score that soreness as points toward my goal of becoming healthier one day at a time. The soreness lets me know I am engaging muscles that most definitely need attention. As I work out each day, those muscles are going to begin to work like they are meant to work.

I've been doing first the aerobic activity on the walking video, then following it with tai chi. I think that's the wrong order. The tai chi is more about stretching, slow movements and controlling your breathing -- something a little tough to do after an aerobic workout. Tomorrow the plan is to switch them up and see how it goes.

Appetite not so good, so mostly munched on a little pasta and tomato sauce. Did get in my whole day's recommended amount of whole grains -- Bran Shredded Wheat does it. I don't notice that the bran changes the taste or texture of the shredded wheat by much, by adds lots more fiber.

Shy of my fruit and vegetable servings by about three today, so have to try and improve that effort tomorrow.

What's your tip for getting in more fruits and vegetables throughout the day? I'm open to suggestions. : )

Until tomorrow, keep it real.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 5 Forward on One Goal, A Step Back on the Other

There was no post for Day 4 of my quest to get healthier one day at a time. Migraine headache subsided partially and I decided not to test whether physical activity would amp it back up or not. Nausea from the headache precluded any real eating, so it was mostly a clear liquids day for me.

Day 5: Doing a happy dance because the headache is gone, gone, gone!

I got in over 15 minutes of moderate physical activity today between the walking video and shoveling a light layer of snow from the driveway. Both are heart-pumping activities and engage different muscle sets, so overall felt like a good workout today.

Only three servings of fruits and vegetables today, one of which was a glass of white grape juice, so I will count that as a half serving, not in calorie count, but total nutrient/nutritional value. Although juices are one way to increase daily servings, they are also more concentrated in calories and lack the fiber of a fruit or vegetable.

I should share that I am a type 2 diabetic, taking one medication daily for aid in blood sugar control. The Mediterranean diet was suggested to me when I was diagnosed with diabetes, and after initially following through quite well, I slacked off. This is where whole grains, fruits and vegetables come in as major staples of the diet, along with fish, nuts, limited dairy, limited red meat, and limited fats beyond olive oil.

Is anyone else following the Mediterranean-style of eating? It might be great to share recipes and meal ideas, if you're interested.

Until tomorrow, keep believing.